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YEAR 3/4 - Sparrowhawks

Welcome to Sparrowhawks 

Teacher: Miss Ball 

LSAs: Mrs Hennekam, Mrs Creese, Mrs Tully and Mrs Shahinan

Sparrowhawks are a mixed class of year 3 and year 4. 

A few reminders:

Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday.

Reading is so important, we encourage children to read, at home, at least 3 times a week and to record it in their reading records. 

Homework is set weekly, on a Friday and due on a Wednesday. Homework alternates weekly between a Maths or an English-based task. Spellings are also set based on Year 3 and 4 statutory spelling and key vocabulary from our learning.

Class information: 

Please see the link below for the information from our meet the teacher session. This outlines our class routine, upcoming topics and classroom expectations.   

                                                              Meet the Teacher


What are Sparrowhawks Learning? 

Have a look at our curriculum maps, to find out what Sparrowhawks are up to.


          Autumn 1

           Autumn 2 


           Spring 1



 Spring 2 - Coming soon!


         Summer 1 - Coming soon!


mer 2 - Coming soon!